Round two

Round Two pneumonia again

Sorry I haven’t written for awhile. I got hit with pneumonia again after only a two month reprieve! I’m going to have to check with my oncologist to see if my immune system is to blame.

I’m up and around again although still tired. I hope this is the end of it for awhile because I want to get back into my photography/writing… I need the cash!

I’ll be doing another blood test in May so hopefully my numbers will look good and I can forget about Leuk again. I’ve had it with him.

Not to worry. I’m not letting him get to me. There’s plenty of life in me and I’m not going to focus on my leukemia more than I have to. There really is no point to worrying. Like I said on some other post, Worry is just Fear trying to be constructive. It doesn’t work.

[photo by Hermes Rivera]

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2 Responses

  1. Sheila Morgan-Tapp says:

    Yikes!!!! Pneumonia once is bad enough……twice…terrible…..At least you got to do your climb…….Our prayers for a speedy recovery…….

    • Jim says:

      Thanks, Sheila. Your prayers are appreciated. Good news is I’m feeling better and able to do things. I just get a little tired. (Not sure if it is the pneumonia or just getting old!) I hope you’re doing well.