How to be happy even with leukemia

Happy girl

I’ve been feeling pretty good these last three days. I think the low energy was due more to the pneumonia I had instead of my leukemia.

Worrying can get us down. I find it’s best to distract myself with the important things like… “hey dummy, you’re still alive for crying out loud, get over it!” Yeah, I really do talk to myself like that sometimes––even out loud when no one’s listening.

I’ve written before about keeping Leuk from invading our thoughts. I think Worry and Fear are Leuk’s brother and sister. We can’t let them creep into our lives. Yeah, I know, we have a terminal disease but look at it this way…

Which serves us better in the fight against Leuk, his brother Fear or a trip to the gym? Will his sister Worry add a day to our lives or might eating better help?

Well, I admit we probably won’t be 100% Worry/Fear free… after all we are facing the possibility of a shorter life than we’d planned.

But I think it’s a little like the sunshine outside my window right now. I know it will rain again but today is one heck of a great day and I’m happy. And my friend Happy is a lot more fun than Leuk’s siblings.

Like an old man once told me, “Any day above ground is a great day.”

As always, feel free to comment.

[photo by Dominik Vanyi]

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