Category: Causes

Columbia Tower in Seattle

The Big Climb approaches

Well tomorrow is the first of March. That means The Big Climb is looming. For those who don’t know, The Big Climb is an event that takes place every year in Seattle. Over 6,000 (Read More)

Big Climb for leukemia

Conquered the Big Climb!

My son and I did it! We made it to the top of the Columbia Center for this year’s Big Climb. I was a bit apprehensive since I hadn’t done any preparatory exercising. I (Read More)

Exercising for Big Climb to raise money to fight leukemia

Trying to prepare for the Big Climb

At the gym today I managed to do my two miles on the treadmill but I couldn’t get my heart rate up to the usual 120-125 range. I was just too tired to push (Read More)

Firefighters fight the good fight

[Editor’s note: In March 2015 I was privileged to watch this event as a member of the media.] In March of 2015 over 1900 firefighters rushed up Seattle’s tallest building. There was no fire. (Read More)

Big Climb 2016

Well, I don’t usually write on the weekends but a new reader/follower, Richard Swift, sent a comment asking if I was still writing since I hadn’t done so for some time. His ‘Kick-in-the-buns’ got (Read More)